Saturday, April 2, 2011


Do you have any former education in Drawing & Illustration?


Yes, I do! I have been drawing since I was a little girl. I have taken many Art related classes all through school and college. Painting, Drawing, Calligraphy, Photography, Piano, Drama...any Art form you can think of, I have pretty much been involved with.


Curious - when you work on one show, do you still get to 'moonlight' on others?


I am afraid that when you are working on one show, it is next to impossible to work on another. The only way you get to do what is known as "dayplay" as we call it in the business, is when you work from show to show as an artist and are called in as needed for extra hands in day to day shooting.


So Wendi, if there was to be a Heroes tv movie to tie up all loose ends, what are some things you'd like to see happen?


Because our show got so lost in the 4 seasons we were lucky enough to have, I myself got lost in the scripts. The work became overwhelming and keeping up on it for all of us was just as difficult. I would never be able to think of a way to tie up so many loose ends. It's unfortunate that our show got so lost. It could have went for several more years. I would have liked to have seen it go on for many seasons and certainly would have enjoyed one last one for the fans and for all of us to have said our proper goodbyes. :(


Not including current work, what was your favorite job? Who did you have the most fun making up?


By far most of you already know, "Heroes" has been my "Favorite Project." I don't think this is any secret though. ;) As far as making up? That is very hard. There have been many characters along the way and some amazing actors I have been fortunate enough to work on and with. So I can't really name one favorite one in particular.

Online or store? Best non-sticky lip gloss? I Hate when it sticks to my hair!
Don't order much online with Makeup. I suppose any of them would be just the same as in store. Best lipgloss non sticky? Probably one of my favorites that i use on myself. Clarins!

Tamara L. Sarver
What's a good waterproof foundation that is moderately priced?


Lancome & Vincent Longo make nice ones. More inexpensive? Maybe L'Oreal. I personally don't think any of them are solid waterproof. Turn to Airbrush for extreme satisfaction.

Misty Sharp

Help me get rid of this dry winter skin......please????????


Many amazing lotions on the market today. I could name 10. I will give you three...Neutrogena for inexpensive, Kiehls or Clinique for higher end.


How accurate is the SyFy Show Face Off, relative to what you actually do, and do you have several people under you? Can you get away with one Hair & Mup Artist?


Would you ever consider doing a SyFy Show Face Off, about competitive special effects makeup? Need to show off those skills. ;)

Did you see "Face Off?" The PBS reality show on special makeup effects? If so, what did you think of it?


WOW...Popular question! I don't watch this show. I tuned in for a

few minutes of the 1st episode out of curiosity. I

don't believe any reality show is accurate. They are

somewhat scripted like any Television show and I

am afraid I don't support any of them. I have a lengthy say on Reality T.V.

I have to bow out on an answer to this one. Maybe I will do a blog on it.
As far as Artists go...yes, I always have others working under me on every show, but I prefer to say they work with me. Artists are all equally the same, yet different. That's what makes an Artist talents shine through. Title is unimportant, but talent is! ;)

Danine Mroz

How did you get started?


Purely by mistake. I was pulled in by a friend who showed me the

ropes and said "Now Go! So I did and here I am! Who knew? ;)


What advice do you have for someone interested in Becoming a Film/ TV makeup

Artist? Are there any schools or programs that you recommend?

I am very VERY interested in makeup and am wanting to start a career as a makeup artist. What advice would you give for someone like me? I have looked up schools and programs but am not sure which one to go to. What would you recommend? Very eager to know! :)


My advice? Well I would say run while you can. It is an addiction. It will consume you. Your life will no longer be your own. The business is like selling your soul to the devil. Although I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world. I like to warn others that it is a long and windy road. Very bumpy at times and very challenging. The days will be very long and the payback very little. If you are ok with that, then commit yourself and move forward with drive and confidence. Programs or schools. I am not sure of what is being offered out there these days. I have seen "Mudd School" turn out some great Artists with beautiful talent.

Lindsay Robinson

I'm especially interested in how to make older people look their best. (vested interest *grin*) What are the best sources for learning this?


I won't lie, an elder face can be very challenging and is a great place to really learn your hand in makeup. I suggest taking courses on this. To try to explain this in a blog would be very difficult. This is definitely an area though that Artists should study &learn. It's as important as complete corrective makeup. You will be challenged with this throughout your career on or off a set.


Is it a myth that men are harder to make up than women? If so why?


I wouldn't say men are harder. Picky maybe, but not harder. I think men today are much more aware of their facial needs as women. This is a good thing for sure. But harder no, I would have to disagree.

Carole Lewis

I never knew so many people had

tattoos everywhere. How do you cover them? Is

there something available for the general public

that works well? Love your trivia and quotes and

especially your Good Mornings!


How do you cover up all the tattoos? Is there something we can by to cover that well?


Thank you Carole...Yes, unfortunately I am waiting for the day when this trend subsides with everyone, especially my actors, however; I am afraid I am never going to see it happen in my career. Really, I rather enjoy the challenge of covering them. I spent a lot of time doing this on Heroes with our boys. Zach, Milo, & Adrian who always had their shirts off. I was airbrushing almost daily. This is by far the best way to cover them in a timely manor. There are also Alcohol color pallets we use, as well as special patches to overlay. Unfortunately they haven't really made any great product for the consumer over the counter. Surprisingly too, considering the tattoo's popularity. Brides are always looking for such a product. Such a great invention to be made and surely a profitable one. I would suggest a spray foundation for a quick cover. You can also use the spray leggss pantyhose coloring they have on the market. Sometimes these will do the trick if you can get a good color match. Then powder well.


Have you a tip on how i can make a tattoo that looks realistic with makeup?


I am not sure I understand your question. Are you looking for a transfer or to draw one on? If you are drawing, then you want to use a Tattoo Drawing Pen. You ca purchase these at any high end Beauty Supply. A transfer? Knock it down with a little foundation and powder well to make it look aged. Hope this answers your question.


I really want to know where you get your

inspiration, Wendi. I mean, most of us have never

been around dead or injured people, yet you make

such good wounds, etc.... I have seen medical

journals, and they didn't even seem so detailed.

How much is your imagination and how much is

found in books or what have you? Does your

finished work ever freak you out?


I am suppose to use medical books as reference, but I have to say, I really have a hard time looking at them. Most of it does come from my imagination. I work with a lot of Artists as well who are very good in this field. You learn from many people along the way. It takes a lot to freak me out with Makeup or by watching a film. When you know whats involved, its gotta be really good to sell me on it.


Do you have to provide all the makeup? That could get expensive. You must have tools you prefer?


We do provide with our kits some of it...but it is replenished with each show and built along the way. At this point in my career, I am fortunate to have a lot of amazing reps with prestigious makeup lines who promote my shows and give me products to use on each project. So I really don't have to purchase much out of pocket.

I have so many favorite tools its ridiculous.;)


Are any of the Cast on Twitter? Do you ever criticize your own work when you see it air?


Many Cast members from my shows Twitter, many do not. I am not sure what show you are referring to? I always criticize my work. ALWAYS! How does the saying go? "You are your own worst critic?" INDEED! ;)

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